Saturday, January 19, 2008

All 8th Grade Band Students!

8th Grade Band Meeting
For Students and Parents
Talladega High School Cafeteria
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
6:00 p.m.; BBQ will be served!

All 8th grade band members and at least one parent/guardian should be in attendance. Please return your form indicating how many of your immediate family members will be attending with you. SEE YOU THERE!


Dr. Frank Buck said...

The links are great! I wish I had all of this when I was in junior high. I really like the ear-training site. Speaking of junior high, I was looking at your list of "Music Friends"--I went to Riverside!

Anonymous said...

Meeting the new members is always fun. I'm excited. And, btw, I LOVE the website very much. We've really come a long way.

Jennifer Burk
THS Trumpet