Fee: $5 per student auditioning. Audition fee is due to Ms. Todd by Feb. 20th. You may bring your money any time between now and then. I must turn in the list on the 20th, please have your fee in by then.
Audition Requirements:
Jr. High Brass/WW: Concert F, Bb, Eb, and Ab major scales/arpeggios; Chromatic Scale Bb – Bb (one octave from memory); Sightreading, Tone Quality.
*students must pass-off their scales to Ms. Todd prior to auditioning, please schedule a time to do so.
Percussionist will audition on both mallet and snare drum: Mallets: Concert F, Bb, Eb, and Ab major scales/arpeggios; Mallet Sightreading; Snare Rudiments: Long Roll, Flamacue, 9-stroke roll, triple ratamacue, flam tap, flam paradiddle; Snare Sightreading.
This a great opportunity for our students to grow musically, meet other musicians from local schools and at the same time to make friendships that will last a lifetime. I encourage everyone to audition. Especially since the auditions will be held at Talladega High School. If you never try out you will never gain the experience to be successful at auditioning. It is just like anything else, it takes practice and preparation.
Upon making honor band the Clinic will be on Friday, February 28th and Saturday, February 29th at Zora Ellis Jr. High. The concert will be held on Saturday at Harwell auditorium. This is a great time to audition since it is right here in Talladega. Start working now.