Spring Break is officially over. I hope that each of you had a great and relaxing Spring Break 2008. As we return to school, just a few reminders of how to get back into the Swing of Things!
1. Practice Routine..... It is important to have a practice routine. Set up a time each day that you practice. A little time is better than no time. Remember to practice things that you are not good at, not just the things you like to play. You must take your instruments home to practice, leaving them is the bandroom is not helping you, your band, or your band grade.
2. Morning Routine.... Those of you that come to the bandroom in the mornings, may certainly do so. Keep in mind that you MUST be playing your instrument. This is not a social time or homework time, its music time. This is also a good opportunity to get extra help from a peer or from Ms. Todd. Ask someone to help you with problems that you may be having.
3. Warm-up Routine.... It is important to develop an individual routine. You may draw from our class warm-up routine. Brass, do not forget to buzz and be sure that you are buzzing songs, scales, etc. with the correct pitches. Scales are a great thing to work into your warm-up routine. You may also use the orange areas in your Essential Elements Book for help. LONG TONES are very important in warm-up. Pick a scale, play it in long tones and listen carefully to your tone quality striving to make it better every time you play. (this is a good time to work on a scale that might be giving you problems, because you will be doing this slowly.)
4. Everyday Routine... You may have been out for Spring Break, but with school back in session please "Think before you Do". All of the rules are the same. Expectations have not changed and School is NOT out. Be sure that you quickly get back into the Swing of things by following rules and behaving properly. If you can't behave, you can't learn properly. Also be sure that you are doing your part in class and taking care of your equipment and music.
Lets get back into the Swing of Things quickly. We have a lot to do in the few months left of School. Lots of music and new concepts to learn, a few field trips to take and concerts to perform. WELCOME BACK!