Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008
New pics.
Christmas Concert.... Great Job!
The 7th grade band took another step up the musical ladder as they performed their second concert of the year with success. Anticipation and pride was exhibited greatly by those involved. Great Job guys!
With expertise and great musical feeling the Talladega High School band wrapped up the night with an outstanding performance of thier musical selections. A great representation of the Talladega City School system. We are proud of you guys and the milestones that you have reached.
What a great night to see a musical progression from the beginning sounds of the 7th grade band to the final destination with the high school. We are very proud of all of the MUSICIANS that we have engaged in the Band programs at ZEJH and THS. Keep up the great work!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Merry Tuba Christmas!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Christmas Parade
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Giving Back....
Double Reeds!

We are very excited about our recent interest in double reed instruments at Zora Ellis and THS. We have several students that have chosen to begin oboe and bassoon this year. They are dedicated and off to a very good start. Each friday Eric, an oboe student from Jacksonville State University, travels to Talladega to give lessons to these very enthusiastic students. We are very thankful for the hard work of the students and the connection of such an outstanding institution such as that of Jacksonville State University.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Merry Christmas

- Begins at 7:00 p.m.
- Admission: $3.00 ; 12 and under- $1.00
- Location: Harwell Auditorium
- Performances by the ZEJH and THS Bands.
Spaghetti Supper
- 5:00-6:30 in the ZEJH lunchroom
- Takeouts welcome
- Plates include; Spaghetti, salad, bread, dessert and a drink
- Tickets are $6.00
- Please see a band student to purchase a ticket.

The tubas and Euphoniums from Talladega High and Zora Ellis will be attending Tuba Christmas in Atlanta this year. Below is a little information and a video clip of previous events.
TUBACHRISTMAS was conceived in 1974 as a tribute to the late artist/teacher William J. Bell, born on Christmas Day, 1902. Through the legendary William J. Bell we reflect on our heritage and honor all great artists/teachers whose legacy has given us high performance standards, well structured pedagogy, professional integrity, personal values and a camaraderie envied by all other instrumentalists. The first TUBACHRISTMAS was conducted by the late Paul Lavalle in New York City's Rockefeller Plaza Ice Rink on Sunday, December 22, 1974. Traditional Christmas music performed at the first TUBACHRISTMAS was arranged by American composer Alec Wilder who ironically died on Christmas Eve, 1980. Wilder composed many solo and ensemble compositions for tuba and euphonium. He was a loyal supporter of every effort to improve the literature and public image of our chosen instruments. Through Alec Wilder we express our respect and gratitude to all composers who continue to embrace our instruments with their compositions and contribute to the ever growing solo and ensemble repertoire for tuba and euphonium.
Click Here to view a youtube clip of last years performance in NYC.
Friday, October 31, 2008

The mixture of outstanding and well thought out costumes, candy, a good performance, supporting parents and administration, as well as wonderful students, all added up to be a GREAT success. Congratulations to Jordan, Alexis, Carter and Ketera for winning the costume portions of the concert.
I look forward to the next concert, which will be the Christmas Concert. It's not far away; mark your calendars for Tuesday, December 9, 2008.
Also, if anyone has pictures or a video of the performance please send them to me via email or to the school. Due to apparent technical difficulties I do not have video or pictures. I really would love to have both! Thanks.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Congrats to the DEGA BAND!

Keith Taylor, sports producer at ABC 33/40 sent an email stating, "I'm currently putting together tomorrow night's Friday Night Blitz show, and would love to make your band our "Blitz Band of the Week." "
How GREAT you guys! Hard work does pay off. So set your VCR's or TiVo or whatever for ABC 33/40 at 10:30, so that you can see the show. They are using clips from the Pell City vs Dega game.
We are proud of the Talladega High School band and for the great following they are creating by people and the media. Tune in to watch the show and support your band. I can't wait until you guys are in the High School band and getting the same experiences.
Be sure to tell a High School band member congratulations!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I got back in my office tonight to realize that you guys not only did a great job at the pep-rally, but willingly and sucessfully performed at the game as well. Did you realize we were out there for FOUR hours. Yep, so no wonder you were tired....right? But what a good job you did.
I have to commend you on the work you put in leading up to the performance. Great strides... no doubt. I am very proud of you... and I hope you are too. I also, just have to mention the great fun and excited attitudes that came from the group tonight.... I must say... you made it a very fun and enjoyable event!
It was nice to have the Dega Darlins come perform and the members of the THS band to stop by to play and hangout. WE appreciate the support that we get from the high school band members and I sincerely hope that one day that will be one of you coming back to visit your jr. high band from the high school.
Also, Great job by the Ellis Emeralds.... Congratulations... that was the first performance of the year for you guys... and a great one it was.
I hope you all enjoyed yourselves.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Halloween Concert!

The ZEJH Bands will present a Halloween Concert this year on Thursday October 30, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. The location? Non other than our very own spooky venue itself, Harwell Auditorium.
You will hear the ghosts and goblins of Halloween as both the 7th grade and 8th grade band present songs that they have diligently been preparing.
Students, as well as audience members are encouraged to dress up in costume.
We hope that this proves to be a very exciting event. This is the debut performance for the 2008-09 beginning band.
Admission for this concert is free. Donations are accepted and appreciated.
*All 7th and 8th grade band students are encouraged to bring decorations and one bag of candy per student. All decorations will be returned after the concert. Candy and decorations may be brought to the Bandroom anytime between now and Oct. 27th.
ZEJH Homecoming
The Zora Ellis 8th grade band will be playing at the ZEJH Homecoming Festivities.
The Pep-rally will be during school on Tuesday, October 7, 2008. It will be held during 6th period. Students will be called to the bandroom at the appropriate time.
The game will be at 5:00 p.m. We will play in the stands, both stand tunes and for the homecoming court. We will meet in the bandroom at 4pm for the game. Student's are to wear black pants, socks, band shoes and a red shirt. You may wear you band shirt from last year since we do not have this year's band shirt yet. If you do not have last years shirt, any red shirt will be fine.
Please remember all of you music and anything else that you might need for the game.
We will play for both the 7th grade game and the 8th grade game. Students will be dismissed at 7:30 so they may prepare for the homecoming dance that begins at 8pm in the gym. If you need to leave anything in the bandroom for the dance, that is acceptable.
I look forward to a great pep-rally and game, GO TIGERS!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Fruit Sale!

Saturday's Trip!
Don't forget to bring your permission form to the Bandroom prior to the trip. Everyone must have turned one in to get on the bus.
ALL Chaperones are welcome to attend. The more the better! Let me know if you are going to chaperon by indicating so on your child's permission form.
Students will need money for food and any souvenirs that they may wish to purchase.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thank you to Mrs. Rasco for heading up the tailgate party and doing such a fine job. It was nice to get to see not only our very own THS band perform at this event, but the Sylacauga Band as well.
(pictures of this event will be posted soon!)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
High School Football Game!!
A few reminders for tomorrow!
- Be sure that you have turned in your permission form.
- Dress: You may wear the game day shirt if you bought one, if not wear a white collared shirt. You will also need to wear black dress pants, BLACK socks and black band shoes. (If you do not have your shoes yet, wear solid black shoes.)
- Students may arrive at the bandroom between 5 and 5:30. (NO later than 5:30)
- Be sure to eat before you come. Students will not eat or walk around the game. They will be with the band the entire time. Students will receive drinks at 3rd quarter break, but must stay in the designated area.
- Please remember this is a school related event and all rules apply.
- Last, but certainly not least... Don't forget your instrument and flip folder.
- If you need to call someone at the conclusion of the game, you may keep a cell phone in your instrument case or your pocket, but you are NOT to have it out at any time during the game or the break. The bandroom phone will also be available for those that need it.
Parents that offered to help. I will see you tomorrow. Thank you in Advance.
See you there. I am very excited for you. We have done this for the past two years and it is a very enjoyable experience.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Exciting News!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Attention young ladies!
Monday, August 11, 2008 - Turn in forms and audition money ($20) in the ZEJH bandroom
- Tuesday, August 12, 2008 - Clinic 5:45pm-7pm at the THS Bandroom (Those who have not turned in money and forms MUST do so the first day of clinic.)
- Wednesday, August 13, 2008- Clinic 3:30 pm- 5 pm at the THS Bandroom
- Thursday, August 14, 2008 - Clinic 5:45 pm - 7 pm at the THS Bandroom
Friday, August 15, 2008 - Clinic 3:30 pm - 5 pm at the THS Bandroom - Saturday, August 16, 2008 - Tryouts 10am -finish. In the THS Bandroom. (parents may wait in the lunchroom if they wish to do so. Girls should wear red shorts, white shirt, white shoes and hair pulled up in a bun or ponytail.
Go by the ZEJH bandroom for more detailed information.
Thursday, August 7, 2008

The usual adjustments to the schedule associated with the first day back to school, coupled with a threat of severe weather that sent us home earlier than normal, made for a very interesting day. However, what a day it was!
I am so encouraged by the number of enthusiastic students that walked through the bandroom door today. The anticipation of putting together and playing an instrument was somewhat put to rest today when the 7th grade beginners attempted to produce their first sounds. The realization that the 8th grade band seemed to have as they discussed the many events of the year and the exact moment when they realized that they ARE now the older band students at Zora Ellis was humorous. Also, the fact that the beginning percussion class was upset when the weather issue occurred before the anticipated moment of playing the drum just tells me that our band is full of students that care, want to learn and are excited about the possibilities. That is what any band program needs. How fortunate for us to have that in Talladega, Alabama.
I look forward to tomorrow and actually getting to play in 4th period, as well as the opportunity to meet the new addition of 8th graders that joined the ZEJH band program by participating in the 8th grade beginning band.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
What at great night!
I am looking forward to working with each student and parent to make the Zora Ellis band program the best that it can be.
If any 7th or 8th grade beginning band student did not attend the instrument show and purchase an instrument, or if you have not obtained an instrument by some other means, please contact me as soon as possible. There are still options available.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Santa Clara is HERE!
Feel free to come by and observe an award winning group in action. Stay for 10 minutes or for the entire 4 hours, its up to you!
Don't miss this great opportunity!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
2008/2009 Ellis Emerald Auditions!

Auditions: August 16, 2008
Visit the Ellis Emerald blog for more detailed information. (click here)
Attention all 1st year Band Students! (For 7th grade and 8th grade Beginners)

Bring your check book...they offer a rent-to-own payment plan that starts by paying the first months payment that night. There are also discounts available for those that would like to pay the full amount for their instrument on this night.
Supplies will also be available such as; reeds, oils, cleaning kits, folding stands, etc. Each Saxophone and clarinet player will be required to keep a box of reeds in his or her case. The brand of reeds you should purchase are Vandoren, strength 3.
The following are additional items that students will need to purchase:
- The book that we will use this year is Standard of Excellence (enhanced), book 1. If you have already purchased Essential Elements 2000 keep it and bring it to the first day of class to exchange it for the book we will be using.
- Clarinet and Saxophone players will need to purchase a Rovner Ligature. This would be a good night to do so, as well as a box of Vandoren Reeds.
- Brass players that did not purchase an instrument from Gadsden Music, should make sure that they have the correct mouthpiece. Instruments from Gadsden Music come equipped with the correct mouthpiece. (see Ms. Todd for assistance.)
As far as the band fee and uniform fee is concerned, this may be payed on this night or when school starts.
Please feel free to contact Ms. Todd with any question by clicking here or calling the ZEJH bandroom (315-5677).
Friday, July 18, 2008
Another Drum Corp Opportunity right here in Talladega!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Celebrate the 4th of July with Music!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Formerly known as the 2007-2008 ZEJH 8th Grade Band, these young musicians recently finished their first week as the newest members of the 2008-2009 Talladega High School Band, by participating in Freshman Band Week. With enthusiasm, pride and a bit of nervousness these students forged ahead to the next goal at hand. We are very proud to say that they are stepping up to their next task with great accomplishments behind them and we wish them luck as they start a whole new musical experience with the THS Bands. We know you will do well and hope that you continue to do your best, as well as create memories that will last a lifetime.
If you would like to see more pictures from Freshman band week, please click here.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Marching Band!

Monday, June 2, 2008
Come OUT and SEE!
Spirit Drum and Bugle Corp is as close as it will ever be, right here in Talladega, Alabama. Spirit will be at Talladega High School all week Sunday, June 1, 2008 - Saturday, June 7, 2008.
Anyone who would like to come by and watch rehearsal is welcome to come at any time. The schedule changes daily but is based off of the following.
Morning Rehearsal: Marching
Lunch Break: around noon
Afternoon: Music Sectionals/Marching Sectionals
Dinner: around 6:00 p.m
Full Ensemble
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Ever Wonder.....

Also, did you know each year there is a young composers project? We know that someone writes the music that we play, but has it ever occurred to you that it could be someone your very own age. You can find information regarding the young composers project here as well. If you would like to try your hand at composing some music yourself, you can download finale notepad for free.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Common Question...

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Check it out!
Summer is a good time for students to encounter a different kind of music and right here in Talladega at that. Spirit Drum and Bugle Corp will be on the THS campus during the first week of June for a week of rehearsals. For those of you not familiar with Drum Corp visit http://www.dci.org/ for more information, including ticket information, and to view various groups. There are several shows this year that are close to Talladega and would be great to go to with a group of friends. They include; Spain Park, Atlanta, and Jacksonville.
Below is a video of Spirit from the 2007 season. (It may take a minute to download. If the video does not begin automatically click the play button on the bottom left to view.)
Check back often for times and updates on the practice schedule of Spirit while they are here in Talladega. I will list good times to come by and watch them practice as soon as they are available. I hope that several of our students will be able to come out and see first hand the practice and process that goes into a group such as this.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Get Around to It!

Monday, May 19, 2008
Music is Everywhere!

There once was a girl in band
Where everyone used a stand
She played the flute
It was really cute
She thought band was grand
-Riley R.
Meet us in the bandroom,
We are going to play some scales,
Meet us in the bandroom,
So if you think you are better than us,
Meet us in the bandroom,
And it will go down, in the bandroom.
-Kayla M.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Don't miss out!

Do you like music? Do you wish you could do something fun and interesting with your friends? Field trips anyone? Membership in a group that will help you to excel both academically and socially?
It's that time of year! Ms. Todd and the ZEJH band are looking for new members. ANYONE that would like to join the ZEJH or THS bands are welcome to join and should contact Ms. Todd.
Getting started is easy! NO Experience is required! We teach you everything that you need to know. If you would like to sign up for band and have not contacted Ms.Todd, do so immediately. Each year we have an instrument try-out day, giving each student the opportunity to try each instrument. The date has been set: May 21, 2008 at the ZEJH bandroom from 1:00p.m.- 6:30p.m.
We would love for you to come by and try-out an instrument so that you can have the opportunity to join the ZEJH band. To set up a try-out time or to get needed answers to questions please contact Ms. Todd. (315-5706).
So far 7th grade beginning band is off to a great start and numbers are climbing. Don't miss out on a great opportunity.
Climbing to the Top!

7th Grade Outstanding Woodwind player: Ashley S.
7th Grade Outstanding Brass player: Phalon L.
7th Grade Outstanding Percussionist: Justin B.
8th Grade Outstanding Woodwind player: Keyauna M.
8th Grade Outstanding Brass player: Lexie Gates R.
8th Grade Outstanding Percussionist: Luke S.
Congratulations to these outstanding students and all of their efforts. EVERYONE keep up the GREAT work.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Graduation Performance

Rehearsal will be Thursday, May 15, 2008 at the THS Bandroom from 3:30 til 4:30.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The 7th grade band traveled to the BJCC in Birmingham today to see professionals at work. The orchestra performed a variety of works featuring: Sleeping Beauty; Tchaikovsky, Pizzicato Polka; Stauss, Symphony #1 (movt. 2); Shostakovich, The Unanswered Question; Charles Ives, Scheherazade; Rimsky-Korsakov and Harry Potter; John Williams. While all of the music was not recognized by the students, the skill and dedication that went into the performance was for sure. Students observed skills and techniques that they are learning and attempting to apply daily in class. What a wonderful trip this was. Congratulations students on your excellent representation of your school, your band, your parents and yourself!
Monday, April 28, 2008
The Annual Spring Band Concert will be held on Tuesday, May 6, 2008, at 7:00p.m. in the Talladega High School Gym. Admission is $3.00 (6 and under free). Prior to the concert the band will sponsor a Spaghetti Dinner in the THS cafeteria from 5:00-6:30p.m. Tickets may be purchased for $6.00 from any band student or winter guard member beginning Thursday, May 1, 2008. All proceeds will benefit the Talladega City Bands.
The concert will feature performances by:
The ZEJH 7th grade band
The ZEJH 8th grade band The "Ellis Emeralds"
The Talladega High School Concert Band
The "Dega Darlins"
The THS Jazz Band
Please come and support our young people as they showcase their talents. We are very proud of each and every one of them. The hard work and dedication that they put forth daily should not go unnoticed. See you there!
7th Grade Field Trip!

All band students are to report to the bandroom at 7:45a.m. We will depart at 8am and return no later than 2p.m. The concert is at 10:00a.m. at the BJCC. We will stop for lunch on the way back; don't forget to bring lunch money! (Students do not have to wear school uniform, however, 'nice' dress is expected - no t-shirts and jeans.)

The majority of the 7th grade band students have turned in their forms and money, however, there are still a few that have not done so. If you have lost your form, forgotten about it, or simply need to turn yours in, please do so ASAP.
I look forward to having a fun filled trip with lots to be shared with your fellow classmates and friends when we return!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Don't Forget!!!